Coatings Defects App
The Coating Defects App, created by Fitz’s Atlas, serves as a valuable companion to the Coating Defects Book. It expands on the book’s content by providing additional insights into coating defects, featuring specialised sections on motor vehicle coating defects and hot dip galvanising defects. Furthermore, the app offers a unique feature of live videos showcasing various coating defects. It is accessible on both Apple and Android smartphones and tablets.
Coating Survey App
The Coating Survey App, also known as Coatings Radar, is a groundbreaking and one-of-a-kind tool that offers comprehensive guidance on conducting coating surveys. This app is designed to work without an internet connection, making it accessible in the field to accurately assess the level of corrosion and coating damage in line with International Standards. With its unique features, the app allows coating surveyors to compare rust levels on the Re and Ri scales in different environments. Additionally, it covers areas such as blistering, cracking, and flaking. Moreover, the app provides a detailed overview of industry standards, ensuring consistent reporting practices.
Surface Preparation and Coating Application
We are thrilled to announce the publication of Fitz-Coatings Limited’s newest book, “Fitz’s Atlas of Surface Preparation and Coating Application.”
Coatings Survey Course
Fitz-Coatings Limited has launched the Coatings Radar App, a complementary tool for the online Coatings Survey Course offered by the Corrodere Academy.
Fitz’s Atlas of Coating Defects
Fitz’s Atlas has introduced an update to the Coating Defects App. This update includes hot dip galvanised defects and motor vehicle coating defects, in addition to the existing protective coating defects.